All Images by Richard Silvia | YesRising

Pre and Post Vote


Your Voice Matters, Your Vote Matters, You Matter

Before the pandemic, there were millions of American children who went to school hungry and for some of them, it was the only place they received a meal.


Before the pandemic, 40% of Americans struggled to pay rent, put food on the table and those same people couldn’t even afford to pay a $400 unexpected bill.


And before the pandemic, American farmers, the small family ones mind you, were losing the business they’d planned to leave their sons and daughters.


Some of these photos I took a couple years ago and yet America still waits for relief from a pandemic that could have been addressed much sooner, much more seriously.


Black Lives Matter is a movement carrying the moral compass our freedom fighters worked so hard to birth. #BLM leads the way toward a beloved community, equality for all peoples. Black Lives Matter implies all lives matter and that we should embrace with our most sacred of hearts.


100 years ago women fought for the right to vote. And yet today the Postal Service has been attacked, mailboxes and sorting machines removed all by a major donor of the trump campaign. An appointed position by the president himself. Attempting to suppress voting rights.


#YesRising What’s Possible.



Richard Silvia

Writer of Dreams, Music & Inclusiveness. Founder #YesRising