Now is a Time, Richard Silvia #yesrising

Now is a Time

Economy and Humanity

Richard Silvia
3 min readApr 26, 2020


Now is a time for a rethinking, a redesign of life the way we knew it.

Extreme ways of living have grown into a divide so great that one can’t comprehend how another lives.

And to further that great divide, people seem unwilling, even uninterested in hearing another person is suffering.

We’ve normalized it.

Somewhere we’ve maladapted the behavior of violence and aggression, marking it as common — no big deal.

But, it is a big deal. There is much at stake in America for sure, but the world at large is crying too.

Siberia is burning. The Amazon has burned. Still, in defiance, amidst a pandemic, among decaying bodies, ramped up storms, devastating statistics from other countries, many turn their heads because — we want “life as usual.”

Dear America, the indifference on the faces of our own brothers and sisters is alarming, mockery and jest aimed at the suffering and even at the ones who care, call me to bow my head in shame, to query “what have I become?”

We are better than this. Now is a time.

Lockdown has been tough on the average American. But a careless continuation to demonize others or categorize people that do care as snowflakes, bleeding hearts or name your degradation, will only lead to civil extinction.

After 911, it wasn’t business as usual. After the AIDS crisis, it wasn’t business as usual — and after this pandemic it won’t be business as usual.

We are not the unbreakable society we think we are. Many civilizations have come to soar to great heights before us and they too have perished.

Every generation wants a better life and a better future for their children — but it just can’t be at the expense of others. Can it?

The space which we have been, perhaps generously offered today by coronavirus, is our time to reflect. Now is the time to query, ask questions, deep ones — is this way of life sustainable and healthy?

Will our grandchildren survive our wreckage?

Now is the time.

The consequence of aggression is a disruption of humanity so great that the world will end via self extinction. Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking had predicted that.

We are smarter than that. Now is the time.

Change is upon us. Our charge is to look at the things we don’t want to look at. Discuss the things that have impact on people and support the future of humanity.

Now is a time to initiate green energy. Now is a time to fight for each other.

Now is a time to initiate UBI. Now is a time to stop undermining one another.

Now is a time to mimic love, now is a time to mimic empathy.

Now is a time to mimic hope. We can change the way we live.

Course correction comes from love and empathy, and our willingness to embrace it. Our greatest success will be our willingness to become — a Merging World.

Life was never an “or” statement it’s an “and” — in cooperation with. Science and spirit, art and health, education and compassion, caring and medicine, quantum physics and religion, economy and humanity. At our best, we will be the blending of it all.



Richard Silvia

Writer of Dreams, Music & Inclusiveness. Founder #YesRising