Forward; Story of the People

Richard Silvia
3 min readJul 13, 2021


Conservative, Progressive, Traditional, Evolutionary

Forward; a story of the people. The American people.

Biden brings empathy and compassion, because he’s lived it, and he’s lost much. Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden together offer a reprieve from the previous 4 years of chaos and division, but they also make room for forward thinking ideas.

Some say they bring a return to a White House of the likes of the Obama era, but today my friends, division sewn so ruthlessly among a country’s people, the American people, we the people are left to face facts so searing it seems Lady Liberty herself stands alone, tears in her eyes for a people long forgotten who they are.

New conversations about real issues are waiting for us to hear them.

We can’t have progressive and evolutionary technology without having progressive and evolutionary people. And a deeper spiritual value and moral responsibility coexists with that. There’s no room for labels of degradation as we all enter a room as human beings — enroute for safe and equal lives and healthy places to live them.

A shift from spectacle to substance and spectator to activator is what redefines us now. If we are to survive in any sustainable fashion, then that’s our calling today.

We would do well to pause, observe, and feel the weight of that beacon.

Traditional, Progressive, Conservative, Evolutionary, all but names that hide the real conversation about what matters most — love.

The idea of America is that all men are created equal. If that be so, what does it look like on a land that was taken from her indigenous people, enslaved and brutalized black and brown people and poisoned her very own food and water supply?

If freedom be so, then who should be free?

And as for unity, will enough of us imagine a consensus less bitter than it has been lived thus far?

E Pluribus Unum — out of many, one.

Hope. The essence of the American people. For all movements rise, and may I suggest, come conservative, progressive, traditional or evolutionary joined, in unison as one voice whom, since long fighting on behalf of this principal of Hope, this — is our moment in history, the place where all things are possible.

The story of the people is that of a promised land. A shore upon a barefooted baby roams a soft and warm sand, unnecessary to look for sharp objects or toxins adrift.

A place everyone belongs because it’s our birthright and not our bank account that allows us to take refuge there.

Forward; story of the people.

World renown astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said aggression would be the downfall of humanity, but in fact, that empathy could course correct it.

Is there any reason to choose not?

500,000 homeless. 148 million in poverty. 35 million people, including 10 million children food insecure before the pandemic which increased that number to 50 million people including 17 million children — all while billionaires, a little over 700 of them in the United States alone, increased their wealth during the pandemic gaining 1.2 Trillion dollars since March of 2020.

Who’s God would walk away from these statistics of suffering? What human walks away from being human?

All sentient beings, as one voice, neither divided or seemingly separated, would be advantageous to bring to our table a common values. Not party, not a red or a blue, or a north or a south, or a left or a right, nor a name of this or a name on that should matter of a people that — are humans each…trying to be.

What’s possible is whatever we want to imagine possible!

Then, in Hope, let us offer up that the idea of love is more important than the product and that humanity’s wealth is best built upon the unity of heart. Would you concur?



Richard Silvia

Writer of Dreams, Music & Inclusiveness. Founder #YesRising